Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Nonpareil of Catalan Provision Is Found in Barcelona

If you're a first-time globetrotter to Spain who would like to savor the best of Spanish cuisine, you should always start your route in good old Barcelona, the bastion of Catalan cooking. Now, if you have already taken your visual fill of the many old churcehs and modern scenes that abound in this lively city, you could retreat to the nearest Barcelona cafe or restaurant that are known for their hospitality and excellent food. There you could have your gustatory fantasies satisfied fully by the many pleasures that Catalan cuisine has to offer.

For breakfast, have some coffee with "torrada," a Catalan open-roasted sandwich, with pasta, "canya" or cream cake, croissant, and baked cheese and ham. If you feel that you are Spanish enough, go for the "churros con chocolate"-- crumbly pastry sticks dipped in full-bodied chocolate. Lunch and dinner, on the other hand, are regularly both regarded as three-course affairs. The firt course is customarily comprised of a fresh greens, soup, and "entremesos" or hors d'oeuvres. The "entremesos" by itself is already one full spread for some since it could include anchovies, potato and olive salad, or ham. The second course or the entree is often a dish that exhibits the wide range of choices that Catalan cuisine has to offer. Dishes that offer red meats, chicken, seafood, rice, and eggs as their chief ingredients are often served or requested with vegetables. At Length, the whole course is finished off with a nice confection of fruit, flan, or ice cream.


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