Thursday, February 01, 2007

Survey Shows The Outstanding Things About The Special Spanish Lifestyle

According to a survey conducted by the Center for Sociological Research in Spain, most Spanish people are very impressed that they live a very special lifestyle compared to lifestyles in many countries in the European continent. The survey revealed that there are just various aspects in their lives that the Spanish people enjoy so much. It was determined that the citizens are very much delighted about the well-planned eating habit in Spain, since 85% of the respondents said that they like the times when lunch and dinner are eaten in Spain compared in other European nations. More than half of the respondents choose to take their lunch between two and three in the afternoon, while 19 percent of the respondents choose to take their lunch from three to four in the afternoon. More than 48% of the respondents choose to take their dinner from nine to ten in the evening, while 27% choose to take their dinner between ten and eleven in the evening.

In line with their special eating habits, health is the most crucial thing among many Spanish people. Almost 86% of the respondents highlight health, with family (81 percent) as the second most crucial. Friends and money are also among the main priorities of plenty of Spanish people, while religion and politics seem to be not that crucial to most citizens.


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