Monday, May 07, 2007

Gladly Lost in Beautiful Alicante Town

Spain is absolutely one of the bigger countries in the European continent and getting to visit one particular region will most certainly be an enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, it can also mean getting lost in the perplexity of all the amazing attractions that Spain has to serve its many guests.

Yet, in the town of Alicante, you need not get absolutely lost, because there is one peculiar Spanish hotel where a round-the-clock information center is readily available to provide answers to inquiring visitors. The hotel being referred to is Hotel Hesperia Lucentum, and aside from the information hall, there is also a city map where you can make a careful scheme on how to get around the town.

These are basically just two of the many amenities available at Hotel Hesperia Lucentum. There are a lot of other innovative accommodations available at the hotel, and these include special rooms for non-smokers which can be provided upon request; a central air-conditioning system that engulfs the entire hotel premises; and a jacuzzi that offers hydromassage services.

In terms of local presentations, Alicante city has a number of places that are certified tourist corners. There is the official town hall where the worries of the city are conducted, with the charming Alicante harbor situated nearby. Then there are several chief commercial centers accessible on foot where you can shop for all your needs, including possible souvenir packs for friends and loved ones.


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