Friday, April 06, 2007

A Desire for Prevailing

Spain, a country south of Europe, has the eight-largest economy in the world, and consider it or not, despite the fact that it was a seizing Catholic nation, it was also once an Islamic country. Catholic or Muslim, Spain's clouded record is far from what it is today. Fiestas, wines, Flamenco dancing, and bullfights influence the current scene of modern Spanish manner of living.

Spaniards have a desire for living it up; thus, the whole year round, visitors can experience the stimulation of bullfights and fiestas. However, all these bustles and frolics are best experienced under the warm sun. The Spanish climate is very sunny that is why the common Spaniard always enjoys a modest stroll in the city overlooking sophisticated works of art. In the late afternoon however, as soon as lunch is ended, people snooze for a few minutes or even hours until the early evening. This common habit, called siesta, is also well-practiced in other European countries like Italy. At night, after a fresh nap, Spaniards fill the streets to party until the wee hours of the morning. For the more conservative however, a stimulating Flamenco dancing would do. Moreover, Spain is also accepted for its beaches and entertainment spots particularly in Ibiza.


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